Tuesday, May 10, 2011

President Reagan - "Non-Political"

President Reagan perpetrated a fraud on both the TV networks and the public in his supposedly "non-political" speech last week.

When the networks refused to disrupt their regular commercial broadcasts to sell time to the President's political crew, he demanded free time on TV to tout his accomplishments. Then he ended his "non-political" report by mouthing his partisan appeal to "stay the course".

As to his accomplishments.

Interest rates have come down - true. That is because few people can afford to borrow for housing, cars, major appliances or travel. Business has no need to borrow for expansion when it is operating at 70% of present capacity. It is also worth noting that long term interest rates are 25% higher than present temporary short term rates.

The rate of inflation has declined - true. The President says this leaves more money in our pockets. He is simply juggling figures. "The hand is quicker than the eye." Prices at retail have not declined. What happens is that present inflation is piled on top of past inflation. Persons on fixed incomes still have their spendable funds further reduced. Wage increases are based on last years's inflation. This year's inflation takes another bite out of this year's wage scale.

Taxes have been reduced - maybe. I have done some calculating. A senior citizen couple with an adjusted gross income of $10,000 a year will have a tax cut of about $50. The deduction from income for medicine and drugs will be about $200, adding about $24 to the tax bill. Medicare will pay $100 or less on medical bills, which the taxpayer will have to make up. The whole tax cut has been Pac-Maned by Reagan's new tax law. Persons with incomes over $25,000 a year still get good tax cuts.

He brushed off unemployment by blaming it on previous administrations. Under President Johnson unemployment was 3.9%, under Nixon 5.5%, under Ford 7.5%, under Carter it dropped to 7.4%. Reagan called that a depression and promised jobs. Under him unemployment has jumped to 10.1%. All increases occurred during Republican administrations.

Mr. Reagan rejects any attempt at what he calls a quick fix. He promises a high technology job training program for next year and the next decade. But hungry children and homeless families cannot wait until next year for food and shelter. He regrets their condition, "I'm sorry." But compassionate actions are needed not pious sorrows. St. James has some harsh words about people who say, "Have Faith" in the future, but do nothing about present hardship and suffering. The costs of unemployment are more than hunger. They include frustration, bitterness, discouragement, loss of dignity and personality destruction. The Wall Street Journal, in its weekly Business Employment Review, reports a big increase in child abuse resulting from unemployment. Unemployment destroys human values now. Christian followers of Jesus want help for the unfortunate jobless now.

Lest I be considered too partisan - Mr. Reagan has inaugurated three positive and helpful policies: (1) he has opened up grain sales to Russia; (2) he has authorized a long term job training program; (3) he has formulated a peace program for the Middle East.

On Monday, October 18, newspapers all over the country carried an AP dispatch listing a number of misstatements of fact, out of scores of such incidents on the part of Mr. Reagan. He has used the fictitious facts to support his ideas. When asked about the errors, Reagan's advisers replied they just decided to forget about them. Ron Ziegler tried to cover up Nixon's deceit with "misspoke." Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, said that of you lied often enough and loud enough, people would believe you.

Two serious issues face us: the lack of intellectual integrity and compassionate action of an administration which indulges in subterfuge, deviousness, misstatements, and indifference to compassionate action.

Jimmy Carter said, "I will not lie to you." We hope his successors can make the same statement.

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